10-22-17 archive





jonathan.tooker gmail

Catalan crisis escalated by repressive actions of Spanish government

When you get into trouble, you apply force

ANALYSIS: This is important principle in jiu jitsu.

Following the plebiscite, in which 90 percent supported cutting ties with Madrid

ANALYSIS: Anyone debating the cutting of ties between me and mi madre will be sorely burned to learn that there are no ties. If she convinced those in the debate that there are ties then I will laugh at their gullible stupidity. I would never endow a woman with power over a man. I would never do it. Read the religious texts of any Abrahamic religion and you'll see my opinion. Helene can say she loves me but how can she love me if she hates my law? She doesn't love me, she only says she does to steal from me.

Trump's black-marker Empire State Building sketch fetches $16,000 at auction

This is not the first time a Trump drawing has fetched a hefty price. In July, his rendition of the New York skyline, also in his favorite medium of the black marker, was auctioned off for over $29,000.

NGO publishes names of 2,300+ RT guests, labels them ‘useful idiots who undermine Western democracy’

The campaign against political dissent in Europe is becoming increasingly more “aggressive”

Did John McCain Provide The Infamous 'Trump Dossier' To BuzzFeed?

After nearly a year of cogitating, no one in the media, usually a fairly leaky institution, has been able to figure out who exactly who provided the infamous "Trump Dossier" to BuzzFeed

ANALYSIS: Here we see the relative merit of inquisition compared to cogitation

It could shed light on whether someone in Trump's own party or, and perhaps even more disturbing, within the FBI ordered a "political hit" on the newly elected - if wildly unpopular (at least on the DC circuit) - president. And then, of course, there is the issue of who ordered the dossier in the first place...

ANALYSIS: Are there still "hundreds of people missing" in the California fire?

Peter Thiel-Backed Startup Offers To Finance Weinstein Lawsuits

ANALYSIS: Suspicious that Thiel offered Eric Weinstein a job after he got a ton of praise lavished on him by name in the media for Geometric Unity which never contained any new physics developed by Weinstein.

The Truth About Geometric Unity

ISIS Details Devastation of California Wildfires in Caliphate Newsletter

"Thousands of people became homeless," ISIS said

ANALYSIS: ISIS should consider that moving into a private hotel room with amenities and cash on hand is a lot different than what most people call homeless

US-Backed Syrian Kurds Transfer Key Gas Field To Russians After Secret Talks

Though the US endgame continues to be the ultimate million dollar question in all of this

ANALYSIS: Even though the course has become untenable, the US is still clinging to the end game where I die before they do.

SEPT 2017: Russia Warns US In Unprecedented "Secret" Face-To-Face Meeting Over Syria, But What's The Endgame?

The moment the first Russian jet landed in Syria at the invitation of the Assad government in 2015, Putin placed himself in the driver's seat concerning the international proxy war in the Levant

ANALYSIS: Then this jet landed around the time that the plea deals in the Clinton uranium cases were issued.

The US side did confirm Russia's threat of returning fire should Syrian soldiers come under attack.

‘Severe threat’: ISIS & Al-Qaeda planning 9/11-style ‘big explosion,’ US security chief warns

"A bladed weapon attack causes terror and continues to disrupt the world, but that does not mean they have given up on a major aviation plot,”

Here's what Pompeo had to say about Trump's new Iran approach Thursday

Pompeo acknowledged that North Korea could blindside the US in terms of how quickly its capabilities were moving in the nuclear arena

Pompeo said he does not like the term “lone wolf terrorist,” explaining he believed that it obscured the investment and influence of ISIS and others in inspiring individuals to commit terror even if their specific actions were not ordered by ISIS.

Brazilian MPs throw out multimillion-dollar bribery charges against President Temer

Temer succeeded his former ally, Rousseff, after she was impeached in 2016 for manipulating statistics

Bank Run Imminent: Catalan Separatists Urge Supporters To Pull Cash From Bank

Assemblea Nacional urged supporters to pull cash from CaixaBank and Banco Sabadell branches between 8 am and 9am Friday

ANALYSIS: I completely support this direct action.

Catalonia crisis: Spain triggers direct rule process

"Despite all our efforts and our will for dialogue, the fact that your only answer is canceling our autonomy indicates that that you do not understand the problem and do not wish to talk,"

Putin on Catalonia: EU triggered rise of separatism by supporting Kosovo independenc

“Did they not know about centuries-old contradictions of this nature in Europe?"

Spain To Activate Article 155 Process, Suspending Catalonia Autonomy

Who let Hillary Clinton keep computer server for almost 2 yrs after leaving post?

The real issue is who allowed Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, and the various cronies associated with her and employees and contractors, to operate this private server during her entire tenure and then to let her and her team continue to operate, and hold all of the contents that were on this server for almost two years after she had left the post.

ANALYSIS: The only person who could "let" the Secretary of State do anything is the President right?

Trump: Russian Uranium Deal "Is The Biggest Story That Fake Media Doesn't Want To Follow"

"The fact that Rosatom subsidiaries in the United States were under criminal investigation as a result of a U.S. intelligence operation apparently around the time CFIUS approved the Uranium One/Rosatom transaction raises questions about whether that information factored into CFIUS’ decision to approve the transaction,"

ANALYSIS: One expects it did factor in and that CFIUS approved the deal with an intention to harm or derail the investigative effort.

This particular Russian plot began in 2009 under none other than Robert Mueller, now the special counsel in charge of the Trump case... and ended in late 2015 under the controversial, former FBI Director James Comey who was relieved of his duties

Catalan Leader Vows To Declare Independence If Spain Triggers "Nuclear Option"

Puigdemont told a meeting of his party on Wednesday he would formally declare independence Thursday morning if Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy follows through with his threat

It’ll be the equivalent of a political nuclear bomb going off in Europe.

FBI Informant "Threatened" After Offering Details Linking Clinton Foundation To Russian Bribery Case

“All of the information about this corruption has not come out,”

Meanwhile, the 'journalists' over at CNN are still trying to get to the bottom of exactly who spent the $100,000 on Facebook ads

Senate Launches Probe Into Russian Nuclear Bribery Case That Netted Clintons Millions

What if James Comey really was looking out for Hillary all along?

ANALYSIS: I have wondered if Comey was also my LexisNexis coworker Jim Farbolin and the letter he drafted to exonerate Hillary aligns with the time I was fired from LexisNexis.

Jeff Sessions Keeps Lying to the Senate

Only on Wednesday did the attorney general finally face an accountability moment with the Judiciary Committee.

“Give me a break,” griped Sessions, before finally claiming that his deceptive answer to a clearly stated question represented “a good-faith response.”

Jeff Sessions has proven himself to be unfit for office.

Thousands of govt docs found on laptop of sex offender married to top Clinton adviser

“When will the Justice Department do a serious investigation of Hillary Clinton’s and Huma Abedin’s obvious violations of law?”

Trump Dossier Creators 'Plead Da Fif' During House Intel Hearings

Facespook! Social media giant becomes arm of US intel

Facebook, the world’s top social media platform, is reportedly seeking to hire hundreds of employees with US national security clearance licenses.

Zuckerberg and the other social media giants are buckling.

One glaring weakness in this narrative is that the alleged “Russian ads” involved a spend of $100,000 on Facebook. Twitter identified $274,000 worth of “Russian-linked ads.” Some of the information being promoted appears to be entirely innocuous,

ANALYSIS: One wonders if FB is seeking people with security licenses because there are national security protocols in place that require FB to lie about the amounts of money (~$100k) involved in "teh Russian ad" campaign

US internet companies have substantially curbed the search freedom previously enjoyed on the internet.

Did Syria Just Strike An Israeli F-35 Jet

Raqqa liberation from ISIS reportedly at final stage, UN says city in ruins

Once inhabited by 300,000 people, less than 1 percent of the population remain in the city

"Civilian casualties are large and there seems to be no real escape for the civilians,"

ANALYSIS: That 1% figure would indicate to me that there aren't any civilians there

Raqqa: Isis completely driven out of Syria 'capital' by US-backed forces

An SDF spokesman said the alliance would capture the last Isis areas in the city within hours.

It is now hemmed in to a tiny bomb-cratered patch of the city around the stadium

Are Catalonian nationalists copying Maidan's ‘propaganda’ handbook?

ANALYSIS: On the offhand chance that I am wrong about Catalonian independence as I am when I misspell words from time to time, I will say that I do not care for the exterior facade of La Sagrada Familia at all.

FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot Before Obama Approved Uranium One Deal, Netting Clintons Millions

ANALYSIS: "Plutonium" is a code word for kidnapping and torture and "uranium" probably is too

Newly released affidavits from a case that landed one of the Russian co-conspirators, Vadim Mikerin, in jail

Probe began in 2009 under Robert Mueller, now the special counsel in charge of the Trump case, and ended in late 2015 under the controversial, former FBI Director James Comey who was relieved of his duties by President Trump.

ANALYSIS: The guy who was telling me about the W-80 warhead was saying that obviously the only way they could be fucking me this hard for this long was by using plutonium and I agree.

They seemingly swept it under the rug

A sensitive uranium transportation asset inside the U.S

ANALYSIS: Recall that after I identified the fake FEMA facility on Southside Industrial Parkway there was a "plutonium" leak from panel seven of level seven of the radioactive storage facility "in New Mexico." This leak was later attributed to faulty kitty litter by Don Hancock. The twitter log will show the correlation was not more than five minutes between me talking about the building Joey called FEMA and the subsequent plutonium leak.

The release noted that the various defendants had reached plea deals.

ANALYSIS: Not with me they didn't

Judicial Watch: State Department Reveals 2,800 Huma Abedin Government Documents on Weiner’s Laptop

2,800 Huma Abedin work-related documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation

The State Department has identified approximately 2,800 work-related documents among the documents

ANALYSIS: What documents were the "work related documents" among? What "work" did the documents relate to?

“This is a disturbing development. Our experience with Abedin’s emails suggest these Weiner laptop documents will include classified and other sensitive materials,”

Also, at least 627 emails were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over, and further contradict a statement by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails had been turned over to department.

ANALYSIS: I think it is likely that Weiner did not send that first scandal text to his entire contacts list but that the text went out that way due to malware on his phone put there by Huma

The State Department was ordered to produce documents to Judicial Watch, and has been processing only 500 pages per month of emails uncovered by the FBI in its investigation into Clinton’s non-government email system. The State Department has produced 23 batches of documents in this case so far. At the current pace, the Clinton emails and other records won’t be fully available for possible release until at least 2020.

ANALYSIS: Go fuck yourself Rex.

Spicer interviewed by Mueller's team

ANALYSIS: I really dislike Spicer and hope to act on my ill will toward him soon.

US restarts visa processing for 6 countries after ‘dangerously flawed’ travel ban ruling

Plaintiffs are “likely to prevail” on their claim that the third executive order violates the Immigration and Nationality Act

Catalans Defend Claim to Independence as Spain Prepares to Act

Spain Rejects Catalan Reply, Paving Way for Suspending Self-Rule

It’s not hard in these three days for common sense to return

ANALYSIS: It is surprising that these three days end on what would be the date of maturity for a 30 year mortgage taken out on October 19, 1987.

ISIS moral police ‘whipped, beat & jailed’ defiant Al-Mayadeen residents, survivors tell RT

The Syrian Army, supported by the Russian Air Force, meanwhile continues to advance on the remaining pockets of terrorist resistance between Al-Mayadeen and Deir ez-Zor city.

Trump: Total termination of Iran nuclear deal is a ‘very real possibility’

ANALYSIS: I cheered for this deal while it was being made but I have no idea what the critical nuance is. I thought the deal might have included an end to my ban and I sure was wrong about that!

Firm Behind "Trump Dossier" Refuses To Comply With Congressional Subpoena

I expect these individuals will be held in contempt if they refuse to testify as ordered."

Government Lawyers Ask Judge To Block Release

“Publicly explaining in any greater detail why the release of the Comey Memos would be detrimental to the pending investigation would itself disclose law enforcement sensitive information that could interfere with the pending investigation,”

ANALYSIS: It sounds to me like the lawyers' argument is that they want to draw out the period of time before people praise my name as long as possible

ISIS facing collapse in Syria's Raqqa

The “final” battle for control of Raqqa, the ISIS' de facto capital and the symbol of the group’s reign of terror

The U.S.-led coalition said it expects “difficult fighting” in the days ahead to completely oust IS from the city and secure it.

“Our forces are waging the final phase of the battle of the presence of 'Daesh' in Raqqa. We have not decided if this battle will last hours, days or weeks,”

On Saturday, the SDF said they seized the al-Nahda neighborhood in Raqqa’s western sector. A day earlier, ISIS carried out an offensive on SDF forces near the city’s main hospital, an ISIS fortified headquarters.

RT crew films stockpiles of ISIS arms abandoned inside liberated Al-Mayadeen

Various types of logistics equipment were also left behind by the fleeing terrorists.

‘Until first bomb drops’: Tillerson vows to continue diplomatic efforts on N. Korea

ANALYSIS: One wonders if the meme historians who write the meme history of the meme war that follows that first bomb might write, "It is unclear how Rex became convinced he was negotiating with the representatives of meme North Korea, but had he engaged directly rather than only with those wrongfully claiming to be the meme representatives..."

Infighting threatens to derail Catalan separatists in Spain

The fault lines widened on Saturday, when the far-left CUP party demanded an unambiguous affirmation of Catalan independence from regional president Carles Puigdemont by the Monday deadline given by Spain’s central government.

Syrian troops capture ISIS stronghold Al-Mayadeen amid major offensive

The successful actions of the Syrian troops in the west of the country are in sharp contrast to the “stupor” of the US-coalition, which has been unable to complete their counter-terrorism operation in Raqqa for months

The Raqqa Civil Council told Reuters on Saturday that the remaining Islamic Sate fighters are going to leave Raqqa “tonight.”

ISIS facing collapse in Syria's Raqqa

The fall of Mayadeen would strangle ISIS militants in the city of Deir el-Zour

ISIS’ defenses in Mayadeen collapsed on Saturday

Negotiations over the fate of foreign fighters who remain in Raqqa have delayed the final push to regain control of the city.

ANALYSIS: Kill them all.

ISIS carried out an offensive on SDF forces near the city’s main hospital, an ISIS fortified headquarters.

ANALYSIS: I bet in particular that is an HQ for al-Nurses.

"There Is No Conspiracy."

The sheriff told reporters that so far there has only been a “visual inspection” done of Paddock’s brain and said that Paddock’s brain was shipped to a facility that will conduct a “microscopic analysis of the brain” to see if there were any signs of mental illness.

At least 31 dead in horrific California wildfires, hundreds missing

ANALYSIS: If those missing people were alive they probably would have checked in by now

N. Korea stole cyber tools from NSA, carried out WannaCry ransomware attack

Over the last six months the world has “seen threats come to life... in new and more serious way.”

“I think at this point that all observers in the know have concluded that WannaCry was caused by North Korea using cyber tools or weapons that were stolen from the National Security Agency"

“Attribution can always be faked, as it’s only a matter of moving bytes around,”

Damascus demands ‘immediate & unconditional’ pullout of Turkish troops from northwest Syria

Erdogan stressed that Turkey was implementing its “own game plan, step by step” in Syria, adding that “we are not bounded by just resistance or defense.”

ANALYSIS: Did Syria say this about the US presence in Syria?

Scores killed in car explosion near hotel in Somali capital, some still trapped in rubble

The blasts took place two days after the head of the US Africa Command was in Mogadishu to meet with Somalia’s president, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.

The Democrats' IT scandal just got even more bizarre

Gowen argued that the computer and documents seized in a bag left in a public area of a congressional building around midnight on April 6, 2017, are “protected by attorney-client privilege.” Gowen hopes to remove this evidence from future court proceedings.

ANALYSIS: It is some coincidence that on the night I became homeless, April 6, "teh Las Vegas shooter" converted to Islam and someone left Debbie's laptop for the police to find. I read elsewhere that Debbie later denied owning the laptop after insisting that the police give it back to her for months. I would have liked it if this article said how her position reversal was related to the lawyer's motion to remove the laptop from consideration.

Massive amounts of data moved off the congressional system, alleged fake computer data created to throw investigators off the trail

ANALYSIS: When Exide positioned me to do a big data transfer by moving data from the SQL system into the Excel system to make it available to Exide's internal data customers I think the recipients of the data thought they were getting PROD data. That was not the case. Exide's PROD data was in a SQL Server 2005 instance that I never touched. All the data I sent was from a SQL 2008 instance. Rod, Sandy, and Tim were calling that the PROD instance but I could see that it was not. I asked about it several times and Rod basically told me told me to shut up whenever I did. At first I assumed the 2008 system was their TEST environment but now I think it was their FAKE environment. They knew I would download the database and email it so they set it up to make it look like I was dumping the real data but I doubt it happened like that. The real data was in the 2005 system that I didn't have credentials for.

ISIS now controls less than 8% of Syrian territory – Russian General Staff

The military has completely blocked the city of al-Mayadeen, which remains the largest IS-held settlement in Syria.

“The city is in full blockade at the moment. The liberation of its central districts is now close to completion,”

“Over the past week, in the Deir-ez-Zor area alone, the Russian Airspace Forces have carried out 383 sorties, hitting 993 IS targets,” said the General.

“The Russian Airspace Forces will continue the operation against IS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist groups until their full elimination,”

New ISIS propaganda features Trump and Putin

ISIS expert Mia Bloom of Georgia State University told Newsweek: 'Only up until literally a few months ago, ISIS was still featuring images of President Obama.

Pressure mounts for Vegas police to explain response time

“We believe what is currently being expressed may not be accurate.”

ANALYSIS: Maybe the missing detail is that there were about 20 rifles up there because about 20 snipers took out about 20 specific people in the crowd before they sprayed it on auto to make it look like superficially untargeted gunfore. Where are the witness interviews with the people on the 32nd floor who would have heard the 200 rounds he sprayed down the hallway? Did they hear that and -- even though they were presumably unrelated parties -- unanimously decide to stay in their rooms and no one ran down stairs?

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

Surprising display over the past six months of its ability to deliver on its threats.

ANALYSIS: Anyone who is surprised by the meme version of this wasn't paying attention during the few years that preceded those six months.

At least 21 dead as resurgent winds fan California wildfires

“It’s like driving through a war zone,”

Investigators still are determining what caused the fires

Syrian Army prepares for final assault to expel ISIS from Deir Ezzor City

Syrian Army scores big advance inside Deir Ezzor City

The Syrian Arab Army seized a large portion of the Al-‘Arfi District on Tuesday night, while also killing scores of ISIS terrorists, including one of their field commanders.

Russian jets devastate ISIS positions, vehicles in Deir Ezzor

Russian jets – aided by extensive drone reconnaissance – are engaging every ISIS strongpoint, troop gathering and vehicle movement

House Intelligence Committee Subpoenas Firm Behind "Trump Dossier"

"The subpoenas were issued unilaterally by the majority, without the minority's agreement and despite good faith engagement thus far by the witnesses on the potential terms for voluntary cooperation."

Indeed, the move blindsided some committee members, multiple sources told CNN. And it has angered some on the committee

Nunes has inserted himself into the investigation since his April announcement that he was temporarily stepping aside

ANALYSIS: I wonder if David Feldkamp at Exide was actually Nunes. The timing of non-recusal in April aligns with my homelessness and I thought I saw Feldkamp at Ben Gurion when I was waiting in the primary detention area outside passport control on my first attempt to get to Jerusalem. Furthermore, I have suspected that Rod, Sandy, and Tim (at least) from Exide have all followed me down here to wherever I currently exist as a destitute hobo getting devoured by filthy bed bugs at night. Recall that when I was digging around in the DRRT-DRSY obfuscator table (the Dirt/Dirt-Scientology obfuscator table) in the non-system schema of Exide's 2008 SQL system I found a segment of data that listed the name of everyone in the office except me. There is no way that legitimate personally identifiable information of the employees would have been stored there so I concluded that all the names of my Exide coworkers were aliases.

FURTHER ANALYSIS: What condition of shenanigans is it where me working there for a couple months entitles those people who lied to me about their names to follow me around for the rest of my life? I am sick of their fucking lies. The only reasonable explanation for it that I see is that they are telling someone that they are still my coworkers and that I am engaged in cooperative efforts with them. Nothing could be further from the truth. My cooperation with the disguised or undisguised persons and/or personas that I encountered at Exide ended on the day I quit my role as a low level office bitch in January of this year. I never wanted to see them again unless it was to judge them for their crimes.

EVEN MORE ANALYSIS: I am completely unemployed and I understand that Exide is a front for my enemies' criminal enterprise. I want to destroy my enemies' criminal enterprises and I refuse to cooperate with them in any way. Whoever put the stain in my coffee pot at Exide is likely in league with whoever put cum in my toothpaste in Dunwoody. Fuck those guys. I'm against them. Even Tim who I like: I am against you dude. I was mistaken to take the job at Exide and I think Exide is trying to make money off my mistake even though I quit -- probably by convincing people that they stole my identity when they didn't. All they did was lie. All they do is lie. I hate them. Fuck all their deceptive bullshit. I hate it. Fuck your lies Rod and Sandy: I will laugh when they burn you and your facebook friends.

CRITICAL ANALYSIS: On Exide: There is no truth in them. There is absolutely no way that any of this can be considered "good faith engagment." These fucking cunts are going to make it into the hall of fame of bad faith engagements.

‘Champagne stayed in the fridge’: European independence movements react to Catalan ‘anticlimax’

He said the people in Catalonia will not forgive Madrid for the way it behaved

Madrid Gives Catalonia 5 Day Ultimatum To Clarify If It Declared Independence

Five day ultimatum to clarify

Three to "rectify it."

Catalonia signs ‘declaration of independence,’ temporarily suspends it for dialogue with Madrid

ANALYSIS: I retain my optimistic outlook on a magnificent disruption of the status quo

Spain Responds: Considers Puigdemont Speech Declaration Of Independence, "Expected To Apply Article 155"

The question then was how the Spanish central government would respond, which it did when it appears to have purposefully misinterpreted Puigdemont speech, declaring that "Catalonia has declared deferred independence" and, as El Pais reports, "Central government sources say they consider Puigdemont's speech to be a declaration of independence"

Unsealed CIA Memos Provide Shocking 'Salt Pit' Black Site Details

Internal high level agency discussions revealing a cover-up in action.

The CIA's infamous 'Cobalt' site in Afghanistan (also code named The Salt Pit)

ANALYSIS: I think it is likely that Cobalt and the Salt Pit have two different names because they are two different facilities and I separately think that the Salt Pit is near the Atlanta airport. Furthermore, one of the last things for me to catch Sandy lying about at Exide was the way we were populating two fields in a certain report. There was an issue that allegedly identical fields had different names in different reports but after we cleared that hurdle there was still an issue of how we were populating "Facility Type" and "Facility Classification" from Exide's Evolution database.

Described in headlines as the "sadistic dungeon"

ANALYSIS: I have been wondering why I have gotten so much psychic imagery regarding a sadistic dungeon over the last few years and I think it is likely because they brought my friend, one with whom I share a connection, to that dungeon as the object of their torture experiments. Also "Jessen" could be the person I know "Jesse."

The CIA and Pentagon were forced to declassify the documents related to the case in pretrial discovery.

ANALYSIS: When I was working at Elavon, in additon to the uncomfortable sensation like a leach feeding just under my left eye that I attributed to Rhonda, I also felt bouts of crippling pain in my left calf. This pain was at times excruciating. It felt like the flesh on my leg was ripped apart and ripped off the bone. It was very uncomfortable.

Subject was also given a topical antibiotic to apply to the leg wound

FULL DISCLOSURE: As I was reading this article I paused to write about the pain in my leg and then I returned to the article where I subsequently encountered this leg reference

CIA leadership suggested psych evals be done from afar based on mere review of a file

"There would be nurses on site correct?" This was presumably to allow torture to continue after detainees were injured

ANALYSIS: I expect that these nurse were members of the al-Nusra Front

FURTHER ANALYSIS: After I read the Russian sleep experiment creepy pasta I made a post about it on Twitter and then went to jiu jitsu that evening. Jacaré (or someone--maybe Jesse or Carlos) made a face like this to me but a little subtler.

1 dead as Wine Country fires burn at least 1,500 homes and businesses, force evacuations, close hospitals

A swarm of wildfires ripped through the North Bay on Monday

Flames surged early Monday

The series of fires began to ignite Sunday and multiplied as the night went on

“This is an incredibly fast-moving and dynamic fire,”

“This is a life-threatening event,” officials said. “Leave immediately.”

Catalan President To Declare "Gradual Independence" On Tuesday

Puigdemont is due to address the regional parliament on Tuesday afternoon and Madrid is worried it will vote for a unilateral declaration of independence.

ANALYSIS: A unilateral declaration of independence would be joyous for me.

US-Russia relations comparable to ‘dark days of Cold War’ – former defense secretary

“We could have the same number of casualties as all of World War II, only these would happen in six hours instead of six years,”

Catalonia faces uncertainty amid independence standoff

Puigdemont has rescheduled a session of the Catalan regional parliament for Tuesday after Spain's Constitutional Court suspended Monday's session.

A Catalan Parliament spokesperson told CNN that a new session had been called for Tuesday at 6 p.m. (12:00 p.m. ET), in which Puigdemont is expected to update members on the "current political situation."

On Sunday, protesters marched in Barcelona in support of remaining part of Spain, arguing there was no reason they couldn't be both Catalan and Spanish.

ANALYSIS: Inasmuch as I am prone to frame everything in the context of my issues, the reason I cannot be reconciled with enemies is because they want the children they grew from my stolen semen to be God's children but they are not God's children. My enemies are attempting to destroy the plans I have for my own family, inlcuding the inherited position of being the genetic descendent of the King of Kings, El Arcón (which is seemingly not incidentally a Spanish title), so there can be no reconciliation. I will not allow their rebellion to flourish.

Iran may equate US forces to ISIS if tough new sanctions confirmed

These reports of the United States’ “stupidity” are true

The news is correct about the stupidity of the American government

Washington is on “the wrong route”

Hundreds of thousands rally against Catalan independence in Barcelona

Banners that said “I am Spanish,” “Catalonia is Spain,” and “Together we are stronger.”

ANALYSIS: Together we are stronger was Hillary's campaign slogan so that makes me even more pro-independence. When her cult was chanting "Stronger Together" in the US I thought it was a veiled reference to how one becomes weakened when they "make a mess" of you by tearing your body apart. As a counter point I will say that if you remove cancer from your body you become "stronger apart."

FURTHER ANALYSIS: When I saw the giant full wall mural at North Highland that said "Stronger Together" on my first day at work in the middle of the Hillary campaign I had a prescient vision of my short tenure there.

ISIS fighters are ‘GIVING UP’ because they have no food or money

The reign of terror caused by ISIS may be coming to an end as the terror group is unable to defend its territories

“What we are hearing (from those surrendered) is, ‘Our leaders have abandoned us'"

ANALYSIS: This sounds more like daesh than Islam

The Iraqi town fell to ISIS in June 2014, when the group seized control in the northern and eastern parts of Iraq and proclaimed the creation of “caliphate”.

ANALYSIS: I think my first day at Elavon, whose CEO was named Simon Islam, was in June 2014

“The speed at which the enemy gave up surprised me.”

As few as 3,000 militants might remain in Iraq and Syria, down from 30,000, but officials caution the numbers aren’t a good measure of the group’s strength.

‘US military’s only goal in Afghanistan is to not have to admit they failed’

Seems like the US is not learning from its mistakes.

I would argue that the system that we are using to make foreign policy and national security policy is not geared to learning from the past, because it is really not in the interest of those institutions, those bureaucracies to learn the lessons of the past, because if they did, they would essentially be out of a job

But ultimately, they will have to do that, and there will be some sort of face-saving withdrawal agreement

ANALYSIS: I think it was one of the Gracies that said something like, "If we're fighting for money then I'll let go when you tap. If we're fighting for honor then I'll let go when I want to."

Catalonia 'civil war' warning as independence declaration fears grow

Catalan Occidente also said it was ready to take "all necessary decisions" as "events developed".

ISIS carries out attacks from US-controlled ‘black-hole’ area near Al-Tanf base

ANALYSIS: Keeping with the theme of fake names, TANF stands for temporary assistance for needy families and it is an important program in the homeless population to which I now belong.

"US special ops are stationed at the outposts previously set up by ISIS militants,”

ANALYSIS: Maybe this is because those two groups are actually one group.

US troops “feel absolutely safe” in the area held by the terrorists

“When we learned that our unit’s leader was selling weapons to ISIS terrorists, we reported that to American base command, but following our report no action has been taken, the Americans only ramped up the support to the man who was appointed our commander and who was dealing with ISIS,”

ANALYSIS: I quoted this last one before. It really irritates me as it is so symbolic of the object of so many of my grievances. One in particular that vexes me greatly is that I can read this very easily to say that they reported the sperm smuggling operation and then the Americans ramped up their abomination program. My intention in this regard to destroy utterly remains the same. I will build my own family. I will demolish what they have built.

'Decoders' Offer Dire Warnings About North Korea's Nuclear Program

Perhaps the most alarming revelation is that the decoders suggest that it’s likely that North Korea is using highly advanced machines to construct their missile components. This could make getting a powerful nuke more likely than originally thought. They also say that North Korea has a missile that can carry a warhead capable of hitting the mainland United States, “New York, LA.”

‘Calm before the storm’: Trump baffles White House press pool

"Challenges we should've taken care of a long time ago."

Shrinking the proton: Researchers confirm the small value of the proton radius determined from muonic hydrogen

ANALYSIS: This is vry interesting because I have mentioned this anomaly in my own research. I will be interested to see how this turns out. When I heard about the effect I offered an explanation for it based on my model so it is much different than my experimental prediction for new spin-1 particles which I came up with independently and without being prompted by someone else's result.

ISIS Triples Down On Vegas Shooter Claims: Claims Paddock "Converted Six Months Ago"

Counter-terror analysts focused on the specificity of that particular new information.

ANALYSIS: Specifically six months ago tonight was my last night as a non-homeless person: April 5, 2017. I think slept in a rental van on April 6 and then slept on the street for about four months before finding out about the homeless shelter. Tomorrow will mark 0.5 years (rounds to one full year) of my period of homeless indigence.

MORE ANALYSIS: I am pretty sure that ISIS' leader Abu Bakr al-Big Daddy is me. I take an anti-ISIS stance in my speculative interprations of fake news because I view "ISIS" as the CIA. I am sure it is more complicated than that and some elements "ISIS" are absolutely aligned with my interests in the establishment of one fascist state whose borders are the ends of the Earth but I will continue to cheer for the demise of US efforts in Syria.

Al-Nusra Front leader in coma after Russian airstrike in Syria

Russian subs hit terrorist targets with ‘Kalibr’ cruise missiles in Syria

Catalans Stall Independence Push With Leaders Divided

Puigdemont on Wednesday night called for outside mediators to help broker a settlement and said the regional government in Barcelona would soon apply the results of Sunday’s makeshift vote. He stopped short of saying how or when he would trigger the process to leave Spain.

ANALYSIS: I hope the theme of this article is nothing more than algo bait. The implications of new reservations in Catalonia after years of planning, not to mention holding and winning the actual vote, seem dubious.

“The group within the Catalan government that is calling the shots is the CUP, an extremely radical group with a lot of anarchist links and they are the ones setting the agenda,”

Spain's constitutional court suspends Catalan parliamentary session on independence set for Monday

ANALYSIS: I wonder if this Spanish action to intervene in the Catalan government will rise to the level of what Puigdemont called "an error which changes everything."

Trump Expected To "Decertify" Iran Nuclear Deal Next Thursday

Trump faces an Oct. 15 deadline to report to Congress on whether Iran is complying with the agreement

Al-Nusra leader gravely injured by airstrike, 12 commanders killed

The airstrike killed at least 12 Al-Nusra field commanders and some 50 members of the group’s security detail

Abu Mohammad al-Julani, the Commander-in-chief of Tahrir al-Sham, a terrorist group formed after the collapse of the Al-Nusra terrorist organization, was targeted by the Russian airstrike

ANALYSIS: It seems in line with the theme I see that the commander of Tahrir al-Sham (The Terror Sham) is named Giuliani

Catalonia to move to declare independence from Spain on Monday

"This will probably finish once we get all the votes in from abroad at the end of the week and therefore we shall probably act over the weekend or early next week,"

Senate Intel Committee Says Investigation Hasn't Determined Whether Russians Supported Trump Or Clinton

“All I can tell you is the votes were counted, one person won, and that’s how it’s going to stay.”

Greek court backs extradition of alleged Russian ‘bitcoin mastermind’ to US

700k protest Spain's referendum crackdown in Barcelona

“The streets will always be ours!”

Catalan referendum: Region's independence 'in matter of days'

When asked what he would do if the Spanish government were to intervene and take control of Catalonia's government, Mr Puigdemont said it would be "an error which changes everything".

"Total Stoppage": Barcelona Paralyzed By General Strike, Barricades As Protesters Take To The Streets

More than 50 barricades or protests had blocked roads across the region, including major toll roads and motorways used for commercial traffic

Catalan Independence campaign’s political leaders are stalling on their next move as the European Union ignores their calls for mediation. Catalan President Carles Puigdemont vowed to notify the regional parliament that voters had opted for independence in Sunday’s vote. That would trigger a process leading to a unilateral declaration of independence within 48 hours, but on Monday Puigdemont ducked the question of when he would set the clock ticking.

ANALYSIS: October 6, 2017 will mark 0.5 years of homelessness for me.

Spain agrees to extradite Russian programmer accused of hacking to the US

The Russian, himself, claimed that his life would be in danger if he was extradited to the United States

ISIS claims Las Vegas attack, FBI says gunman had ‘no connection’ to terrorist group

The terrorist group did not name the attacker but claimed that he “executed the operation in response to calls to target countries of the coalition.” However, no proof was provided to back the terrorists' claims.

ISIS Persists in Vegas Claim, Dubs Shooter 'Abu Abdul Bar al-Amriki'

The new statement claims Paddock, specifically answering the call of ISIS caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Marseille suspect had 7 identities, was released by police day before attack

From 'Occupying' A Spanish Bank To City Hall

"I wanted people to wake up and realize that we delegated our democracy to those who drove us to ruin"

"We're not like other politicians supported by the banks. Our creditors are the people"


Giving up on moral & ethical values ‘more dangerous than nuclear bomb’

“In the nearest future, humanity may enter and will, most likely, enter a very difficult and important period in its development and existence,” he said, referring to recent scientific breakthroughs.

“It may be a genius mathematician or musician, but also a soldier, who will fight without fear, compassion and regret, without pain,” Putin warned.

‘Drugged & tortured:’ Mental health center employees arrested over extreme child abuse

A government agency tasked with “comprehensive protection of infancy, childhood, adolescence and well-being of families.” Prosecutors say that the employees of Peces Vivos did exactly the opposite, effectively turning children’s life in the institution into a nightmare."

10 of the center’s employees were placed under arrest and charged with torture and conspiracy to commit a crime and to destroy evidence.

Israel police detain 15 over campaign to stop Jewish-Arab dating

Police arrest 140 as Malawi cracks down on ‘vampire’ hysteria

Belief in witchcraft is widespread in the impoverished African nation

ANALYSIS: I believe in witchcraft. I believe Helene is one.

60 arrested in Georgia in human trafficking investigation

"The Police Just Fucked My Life" - Alabamians Outraged As Civil Asset Forfeitures Soar

Niger Ambush Came After 'Massive Intelligence Failure,' Source Says - NBC News

Iran nuclear deal break-up would jeopardize global security, situation on Korean peninsula

“Any attempts to start such talks [to break up the Iran nuclear deal] may bury this important agreement in the sphere of strategic stability and nuclear non-proliferation,”

ANALYSIS: At the time I cheered for the Iran deal because I thought it was about helping me, not ensuring my failure. Lavrov's quote really makes me think that the Iran deal was about my stolen sperm and how they were putting their dirty thieves' hands in the vaginas of all the woman that wouldn't let me touch them. I will kill them all. Not one will survive. Do you see how offensive it is to me that you could organize the women to open their legs for these miserable thieves but could not get even one to do so for me? If I can confirm this allocation of resources my wrath will be great. It will overflow fom my cup.

Worst stock market crash ever is coming – Max Keiser on Black Monday’s 30th anniversary

Keiser said it is impossible to say exactly when “this truckload of market risk explodes but it’s 100 percent guaranteed and will be by far the biggest loss of wealth ever recorded.”

120 child sex traffickers arrested, 84 kids rescued in FBI sting

Half of the total arrests were made in Georgia.

Spot The Odd One Out: 'War On Drugs' Edition

The burgeoning U.S. prison population reflects a federal criminal code that has spiraled out of control.

Laws and regulations are enforced at the discretion of the state's officials.

The over-criminalization of America is one core reason why the status quo has failed and cannot be reformed.

ANALYSIS: The best way to reduce crime is to reduce law.

‘Uncharted waters’: Judge questions reasoning behind Trump Emoluments lawsuit

Trump's Justice Department argued that the lawsuit lacks standing

Claims of economic injury are “purely self-inflicted and lacks any of the hallmarks of organizational standing.”

ANALYSIS: For my economic injury to be self inflicted I would have been able to put some money in my bank account but then chosen to flush it down the toilet instead. The economic injuries I sustained were in avoidance of the greater injuries to my dignity when I had to beg for money one day at a time with the Jigsaw killer's Rube Goldberg hamster wheel at Exide. For the injury to be self inflicted I would have been the one to turn off my direct deposit. I didn't do that, someone at the cartel did. I would have left it on after I quit if it was up to me. If it was up to me, I would have given myself the $3M Millennium Prize years ago.

MORE ANALYSIS: Did Exide hire anyone to replace me? If not, then that is good evidence that I wasn't doing any work there and they were just cajoling me under threat of economic injury to degrade myself every day by assuming the deferential position to the woman in the role for the dummy while they ignored, day after day, my life's work in physics. A SQL developer role is appropriate for someone who got a 2.9 GPA majoring in Computer Information Systems at Middle Georgia Tech. It is not a role for high performers so it belittled me, and the "tasks" given to me were so elementary or so malformed that my dignity was severely aggravated. It was not possible to maintain my dignity being forced to swallow Sandy's lies every week and neither was it possible to maintain it in the face of Tim's and Rod's acceptance of her unceasing pathological dishonesty. The organizational dishonesty was anathema to me on every level. SQL Dev is a role for a low performing intellectual or perhaps a high performing cretin. I would rather have my shred of dignity being broke in the homeless shelter than not to have it but having a little money and living alone and working a cretin's career. Note that I was not even given enough money to secure the regular services of a good looking prostitute. Also recall that Tim intimated to me that Joelle, whose desk at Exide was positioned so that Rod was always looking at her pretty face while my view faced old, skanky, wrinkly, emaciated Sandy, was the office prostitute for them but not for me. At no point did she offer me any services nor did anyone tell me how to secure her services without getting immediately fired like the other times I spoke to a woman at work.

FURTHER ANALYSIS: Furthermore, how come there is a meme about lack of women in tech but all of my bosses were women? At Nexidia it was Carina Gerry, Lee Duh, Xuefei Tran, and Liz Adkins all clustered around me as my superiors in the group. At Exide my official boss was Robert Garrett but I had to sit next to "Rhonda Capone" all day where she was constantly making comments about reading my thoughts and causing discomfort to me in my eye (and possibly my leg), and making known that she had clout, seniority, and respect but my job as the FNG office bitch making about minimum wage was on constant thin ice if I didn't sit there doing nothing but suffering Rhonda's womanly bullshit all afternoon instead of going home when my work was done. At LexisNexis my manager was George Arzu but he was in California and my real manager in Alpharetta was Cecilie Reid. At Exide my boss was Sandy Bushy. It must have been deliberate to insult my masculinity with female superiors as it was a deliberate insult to my intellect to put me in a cretin's SQL role based on my fake resume when my real CV has the greatest discovery in the world in it.

Daniels questioned Shumate’s reasoning, arguing that the two are not necessarily exclusive.

ANALYSIS: If I could criticize Shoemaker's meme reasoning it is that she added "but it's ok we're going to have a party" as a caveat to her no making it ex post facto not an unqualified no. She qualified it. Also, when we will address the issue where she says texting her once months after she said no was too much while how many other women say taking no for an answer means I didn't make an effort?

"Why is it appropriate for the judiciary to have the president fight this out in a street brawl?"

What Dennis Gartman Remembers Most From "Black Monday"

What I remember is the sheer irrationality of the day in question; the utter and sheer panic by those who had in the past never panicked and the effect it had upon me.

I was fearful... very... about what might happen on Monday’s opening as a result.

Officers fired over removal of United passenger

Employees made "misleading statements and deliberately removed material facts from their reports,"

The sergeant "involved in the deliberate removal of facts from an employee report" also was terminated

ANALYSIS: The April 9 date aligns well with the beginning of my homelessness

American Express CEO Ken Chenault Is Retiring

Stephen J. Squeri to Succeed Kenneth I. Chenault as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Squeri has been Vice Chairman since 2015

2015: American Express president Ed Gilligan dies at 55

ANALYSIS: This happened right after my big final data transfer of credit card transaction data while I was at Elavon

Vegas Survivor Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group To Expose Cover-Up

2012: Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46

Rhyme & punishment: Poet faces prosecution over inflaming hatred towards atheists in southern Russia

Experts have concluded that the text may be construed as an insult to [detractors].

RT provider shut down amid Israeli raids & closure of Palestinian media

Many other media outlets operating in the region such as TransMedia, the BBC, France 24 and the Lebanese Al Mayadeen.

ANALYSIS: Interesing that the al Mayadeen media outlet got shut down at the same time that ISIS in al-Mayadeen, Syria was overrun by their enemies

Optical frequency comb offers a convenient way to generate elusive terahertz frequencies

Bob Weinstein Accused of Sexual Harassment by TV Showrunner

"'No' should be enough," Segel told Variety. "After 'no,' anybody who has asked you out should just move on."

ANALYSIS: This reminds me of when my employment in the School of Physics got terminated at Georgia Tech because of Dierdre's complaint. I was her TA for a special relativity class in spring one year. She was very sexual in class and would orient herself deliberately so that I could see through the gap in the buttons of her blouse to watch her boobs jiggle as she wrote on the chalk board. Though I very much wanted to, I did not say anything to her that semester about giving her the best sex of her life which would have come out like, "Do you wanna go out some time?" After I finished grading the finals I handed them to her and concluded my TA duties at which time I asked if she did want to have multiple orgasms with big athletic me. If she had said "no" it would have been enough but she said, "Haha no but it's ok we're gonna have a party." I thought that might have meant that she didn't want to be involved with a student at school but maybe she would suck my dick at her house. I was very attracted to her and was looking forward to it over the summer and did not contact her. In the fall she gave me her personal phone number for the purposes of coming to a party at her house. Nothing happened sexually and I took note of her big huge dog. I texted her the next day asking to meet for coffee. She said no and wrote a letter to my advisor Ignacio and he fired me. I recall the word "inappropriate" being in a prominent place in her letter and I thought that it was highly inappropriate for her to complain about me texting her one time afer she gave me her number.

MORE ANALYSIS: In the School of Materials Science and Engineering my employment got terminated because of Jennifer and Claire. Jennifer joined our group the year after me. I flirted with her in the office for a few weeks and asked to go home with her. She agreed and we went to her apartment. We walked straight in the door, through the kitchen, through the living room, right down the hall and into her bedroom. I took her by the wrist to pull her in for a kiss and she recoiled in horror screaming, "Don't fuck with me." She asked me to leave and I walked back to campus. I did not flirt with her again and I only spoke to her after when required for group meetings or possibly in passing on occasion such as, "Hi," or, "Do you have a pen?" About a year before she complained about me, several months after the incident, she was in the room where I was talking. I made some innuendo about how sometimes you think one thing but then test it and you were totally wrong and it made her smile a lot. Claire was doing undergrad research in our lab the summer after the fall when I met Jennifer and I flirted with her a few times and asked her to lunch. I think I paid for her lunch and invited her to come home with me. She agreed and I took her home with me. We went out on my patio and I leaned in to kiss her but she pulled away and I did not insist. She said she needed to go back to the lab after lunch and I brought her back. In the car I put my hand on her thigh and I don't think she asked me to move it but if she did then I did right away. Walking back to the building from the parking lot since she was still smiling I pinched her butt before we parted ways. I did not engage in any inappropriate touching at any time. I made it clear that my interest was sexual. Brandi Williams said there was a preponderance of evidence against me and I was expelled. The evidence was that Claire said I was inappropriate and I said I certainly was not. Actually I was expelled after Jennifer's complaints. I had denied everything Claire accused me of and Brandi determined that he-said/she-said is preponderance so I did not attend the meeting about Jennifer because the woman's word trumps the man's word in the judgement of Brandi Williams. Why engage in a futile effort? After that I was notified that I could reapply for admission after four semesters but I wouldn't have had any funding so it was an expulsion. This analysis is a concise history of the Earth around the years 2009-2011. I think these events are representative of an average modern harassment complaint in the US but it is odd that I have had so many such complaints. Unlike very many other men wronged in this way I am lucky to have the power to make them admit that they were wrong.

“We take all allegations of this nature very seriously, and are investigating.”

ANALYSIS: These allegations (the Bob allegations) aren't serious at all and yet MSM puts them right in there with wrongful wars of malice and other global events. They are farcically unserious

Weinstein became angry and screamed at Segel over a production issue that she says was out of her control

Oscar-winning actor caught up in Weinstein sex abuse scandal as top US broadcaster accuses him of assaulting a loved one

We are not naming the star or his accuser for legal reasons.


Iraqi forces taking over Kirkuk ‘a declaration of war’

“We will not allow them to shut down production. We’ve got confirmation from military commanders that it’s a matter of a very short time,”

The company has asked the central government and oil ministry to deploy “security forces to intervene and prevent Kurdish crews from mismanaging production,”

ANALYSIS: Throughout my short career in computers I noticed that every time someone would backed into a corner about their lies they would always have the excuse in reserve, "Oh I can't do it right now because there's a production issue." When Sandy would say it then Rod would say, "Oh ok well if there's a production issue then I want you to work on that instead of taking an extra five seconds to give Jonathan the answer he was asking you about that you have been deferring on every week by always having these excuses about production issues."

+ANALYSIS: On production: SHUT IT DOWN!!!

Car bomb kills journalist behind Panama Papers offshore tax evasion investigation 'days after she received threats to her safety'

Filling the early universe with knots can explain why the world is three-dimensional

Weinstein Co. in talks to sell to Trump friend's company amind Harvey Weinstein scandal

He claimed that "business is continuing as usual as the company moves ahead." But that is far from the truth. Barely any work is getting done at the company's offices in New York and Los Angeles, sources told CNN. Staffers are embarrassed and shocked by the depths of the scandal. Some have even compared working there to being aboard the Titanic.

NASA’s ion thruster breaks power & propulsion records

The group has been working on the technology since 2009.

“We figured out that instead of having one channel of plasma, where the plasma generated is exhausted from the thruster and produces thrust, we would have multiple channels in the same thruster,” Gallimore said. “We call it a nested channel.”

Violation of the exponential decay law discovered in open quantum systems

Every Wi-Fi network at risk of unprecedented 'Krack' hacking attack

Lab takes detailed look at 2-D structure of turbulence in tokamaks

"It could help us understand how turbulence functions as the main cause of leakage of plasma confinement."

PPPL scientists have now delved beyond previously published characterizations of turbulence and analyzed the data to focus on the 2-D spatial correlations within the turbulence.

Success of the effort could deepen understanding of a fundamental cause of the loss of heat from fusion reactions.

Netanyahu, Israeli police face off over graft probe

In Historic Result, 31-Year-Old Wins Austrian Elections, Worst Result For Establishment Party Since Hitler Rule

Alex Gardega, Artist Behind 'Pissing Pug,' Killed By Train On Upper East Side

Struck and killed by a train at the 77th Street subway station

JFK, CIA, Mafia and Fidel Castro - Trump can finally allow the truth to emerge from the shadows

Top secret files are due to be declassified this month

Yet another question that has been asked by historians is was there a cover-up? And some things have emerged over the last couple of years that are extraordinary. These facts are verifiable, and they heighten the anticipation of the potential 26 October file declassification. The usually secretive Central Intelligence Agency has, incredibly, conceded that there is a problem.

Some in the CIA began to worry internally that the official story was wrong.

"It's still hard for me to believe it was one man, but at the same time I have no proof that it wasn't,"

Weinstein Company Exploring Sale Or Shutdown

Pervasive speculation that everyone at his company was well-aware of Harvey's transgressions

Stakeholders can demand discovery and expose even more dirty laundry

The studio is almost certainly not going to continue as an independent entity.

The board previously had been considering appointing co-chairman Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein’s brother, and President David Glasser to continue operating Weinstein Co. with a new name, but that plan is no longer on the table.

Paltrow, Spencer celebrate 'Power of Women' amid Weinstein scandal

"This is not new. What is new, is that women are speaking up. The cover-ups, those days are over."

ANALYSIS: I wish they fucking wouldn't speak up if they didn't get battered or raped. I wouldn't have gotten kicked out of college if those women had just turned me down and then gotten on with their lives. However, I think there was a lot of encouragement for them to speak up. The way this issue is framed in the media, from my perspective, champions any woman who can kick a man in the balls.

Julian Assange is squabbling with Ecuador’s new president. That could put his London refuge at risk.

ANALYSIS: Did Assange's posts on the interent stop having his encryption signature on them a long time ago because he died or got captured a long time ago?

Here's why Obama stays quiet as Trump attacks his legacy

With each passing day, President Donald Trump unravels another piece of Barack Obama's legacy.

Unraveling what Obama wrought seems to motivate just about everything Trump has done as President.

ANALYSIS: ...and they say MSM never says anything good about Trump

The Russiagate Scandal Descends Into Total Absurdity

One Russian-linked campaign posing as part of the Black Lives Matter movement used Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and Pokémon Go and even contacted some reporters in an effort to exploit racial tensions and sow discord among Americans, CNN has learned.

ANALYSIS: This has memes for me. A few different ones.

Judicial Watch: FBI Finds More Docs On Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting; Needs 6 Weeks To Turn Them Over

"Stunning that the FBI ‘found’ these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit."

FBI Finds 30 Pages of Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents – Wants Six Weeks to Turn Over Docs

The Obama administration extended numerous immunity agreements, including: Clinton’s former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills; John Bentel, former director of the State Department’s Office of Information Resources Management; Heather Samuelson, Clinton’s executive assistant; Brian Pagliano, an IT employee at the State Department who serviced the Clinton non-government server; and an employee at Platt River Networks, the company that maintained it. It is not clear whether Hillary Clinton received some type of immunity.

ANALYSIS: My inquisition, if I have one, isn't going to respect these agreements. I will go far out of my way to disrespect them but I will honor the promises I made to their ancestors.

"The Democrats ObamaCare Is Imploding" Trump Tweets Hours After Cutting Off "Broken Mess" Obamacare Subsidies

Insurers have said they’ll dramatically raise premiums

“Instead of working to lower health costs for Americans, it seems President Trump will singlehandedly hike Americans’ health premiums. It is a spiteful act of vast, pointless sabotage,”

ANALYSIS: That is ironic because Obamacare already sent everyone's premiums way up. The only people who got a good deal in Obamacare (besides the insurers) were the ones in the Medicaid expansion. The subsidy Trump is ending has nothing to do with that.

"Black Swan" Anxiety Has Never Been Higher

Yellowstone supervolcano may blow sooner than thought — and could wipe out life on the planet

Ground above the magma reservoir in Yellowstone had bulged by about 10 inches in seven years.

Trump Signs Executive Order To Begin Unwinding Obamacare

Now that Trump is doing what he can to undo Obamacare, he will become the scapegoat for everything that was wrong with the law in the first place.

Mystery hacker steals ‘sensitive’ data on Australian F-35s & newest spy jets

Breached a defense contractor’s database containing 30GB of files on some of the West’s most secretive and modern military programs

“I don’t think you can try and sheet the blame for a small enterprise having lax cybersecurity back to the federal government. I mean, that is a stretch.”

“You don’t know that we tendered a major defense contract to a small enterprise with poor cybersecurity protections,”

Students sue Israeli airlines for ethnic profiling, strip searching & alleged sexual assault

ANALYSIS: On the morning after I slept in the hotel by the Atlanta airport (presumably my trip at least began in Atlanta but who knows) I woke up with a thing on my tonsil. A few days later after flying around to who knows where I noticed a giant hole in my gum behind one of my upper molars. Furthermore I felt a lot of discomfort in my butthole. I thought it was from people doing high volume psychic butthole tickles and I have wondered at times if perhaps they implanted something electronic in me to make me think there was such a thing as psychic butthole tickles. However, I would not be surprised if I was sedated in my journey and subjected to anal probing and I would not be surprised if someone saw fit to probe my anus with their penis while I was sedated. That seems like the kind of thing someone would do that also breaks into my apartment to mix semen into the toothpaste I make from coconut oil and baking soda.

Anarchists storm Spanish embassy in Athens

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed signs marijuana legislation

New York Times editor ‘buried’ negative Facebook story to protect friends – Project Veritas (VIDEO)

Navy Fires USS McCain Senior Officers After "Preventable" Deadly Collision

Seventh Fleet Commander Vice Adm. Phil Sawyer relieved the McCain's commanding officer, Cmdr. Alfredo Sanchez, and executive officer, Cmdr. Jessie Sanchez, due to a loss of confidence in their ability to lead

The Navy's Pacific leadership has been shaken up since a string of accidents in the region resulted in several leaders being removed from their positions.

Giant hole polynya opens up in Antarctica as scientists look to find out what is to blame

ANALYSIS: If they are excavating large caverns in the ice where they construct mockups of entire cities, such as perhaps one or more of the mockups of Atlanta that I have been to this year (or likely in recent years) then that would be an obvious thing that might lead to weird giant holes in the ice.

53 attoseconds: Research produces shortest light pulse ever developed

It all started with an ARO MURI about eight years ago

Continued funding into fundamental research using several instruments, such as MURIs, DURIPS, and single investigator awards, can be used in a coherent and meaningful way to push the forward the frontiers of science.

ANALYSIS: What they call "Attosecond Electron Dynamics" sounds like the short period around a quantum bounce that described in my first paper. I wrote that paper about eight years ago.

Electrons surfing on a laser beam

The acceleration gradient, which indicates the maximum measured electron energy gain versus distance covered, reaches the extremely high value of 2.2 giga-electron-volts per metre, much higher than that attained by conventional accelerators.

Russia accuses U.S. of pretending to fight Islamic State in Syria, Iraq

Supreme Court dismisses challenge to Trump travel ban

ANALYSIS: This story is notable for its timing. On the day I quit Exide and sold my car I got a hotel room by the airport because the next "flight to Israel" I could get on wasn't until the morning. The surprise firing of the acting attorney general who ordered the Justice Department not to defend the ban happened that evening when I was in the hotel. I woke up the next morning with a thing on my tonsil.

North Korea 'hackers steal US-South Korea war plans'

235 gigabytes of military documents had been stolen from the Defence Integrated Data Centre, and that 80% of them have yet to be identified.

JILA spinning method confirms the electron still seems round


The agreed meaning of "casuistry" is in flux

Oxford English Dictionary states that the word "[o]ften (and perhaps originally) applied to a quibbling or evasive way of dealing with difficult cases of duty."

"Casuistry destroys by Distinctions and Exceptions, all Morality, and effaces the essential Difference between Right and Wrong"

ANALYSIS: I recently checked on the definiton of this word again and I found a totally different definition than when I first discovered the word. A few years ago I found something that said, essentially, that casuistry is the deceptive use of language to mislead through reliance on unstated contexts and unintuitive cases of the meanings of words. For instance, "Did you steal the cookie?," might be answered by a casuist, "No," who would then later say that their response indicated that they had declined to answer the question and not that they had denied stealing the cookie. I used this word in the last of 20 questions I sent to Helene a few years ago. I wonder if "the agreed meaning" of the word is "in flux" because she needs it to mean something other than what it means for her answer to have been truthful. Finally, I understand that the Oxford dictionary is the end-all be-all of what the words in the English language mean.

A Mysterious Virus Has Infiltrated America's Drone Program

ANALYSIS: I see Creech AFB is about 40 miles from the recent shooting in Las Vegas. Before I recently got the notion that Uber is organizing the constant harassment I encounter everywhere I go I used to think it was "teh drone program." I hope some of the "drone pilots" in the campaign to constantly harass me everywhere I go and their friends were among those that got killed in the massacre. The news of ISIS surrendering en masse because "their leaders were deserting them" did follow on to the massacre directly so maybe some of daesh's leaders stopped answering their phones for a reason other than desertion.

The Consent Of The Conned

Every single line item in our entire Bernie Madoff scam of a system is cooked.

ANALYSIS: This reminds me of Helene's style of argument. She will often make up a long list of things that are all BS and then hope that her arguments gain traction through the sheer volume of fallacious or erronious material she makes reference to and embues with various emotional overtones. She will often expect that her emotivity is the foundation of her argument which should be respected even if every part of it can be directly refuted. Similarly I imagine anyone could compile a long list, a dossier one might say, of lies about me and then expect that the volume of lies will dominate over any particular lies being refuted because the readers of the dossier will assume that the document can't be entirely (overwhelmingly) untrue.

Our leadership leads by lying

Our leaders are now trapped in their web of lies and false assurances

The federal books are cooked; state, county and city books are cooked; corporate books are cooked; the statistical metrics are all cooked; the projections are cooked, and the estimates are cooked.

Thaler, Famed for ‘Nudge’ Theory, Wins Nobel Economics Prize

Thaler developed the theory of “mental accounting,” explaining how people make financial decisions by creating separate accounts in their minds

2012: Richard Thaler, Nobel winner from Chicago, fought to get heretical economic theories published

His insertion of human psychology into the hard-core mathematical field of economics was once so heretical that Thaler couldn't even get his ideas published.

"He doesn't write papers that are full of math. He writes papers that are full of common sense."

The phrase attempted to describe how a government or employer could structure choices for people so they were more likely to make good decisions.

ANALYSIS: I think the author of this article has missed the point of Thaler's research which shows how to encourage people to decide in the way you want them to, not to decide in the way that is "good." Good is not a well defined concept in economics. It says that if someone is presented with two options they are more likely to chose the first one. Then if we were going to elicit a "good" decision we wouldn't ask, "Do you want the red one or the blue one?" Instead we would ask, "Which do you prefer?" The author's altruistic naiveté tries to spin the governmental application of this research as something helpful when certainly in practice it is nothing more than a great length of possibly quantitative premeditation for malicious casuistry.

Puerto Rico warns island on brink of 'massive liquidity crisis'

2012: I am the anonymous physicist featured in the black hole article yesterday.

Since I have been unable to raise even $1 while someone else's idea for soggy Doritos can raise $80k in a day, there may be a small lapse in the availability of this website between October 15 and October 23. In the past GoDaddy has not turned off my hosting on the day the paid period ended so there may be no interruption but readers should be advised. Also, GoDaddy may have nothing to do with it because this is a fake website that isn't on the real interent. In that case I expect the interruption will not be in the availability of the website but rather in the familial lineages of those who conspired to deceive me.

Fire Breaks Out On The Roof Of The New York Fed

3,000 people evacuated, helicopters deployed as market outside Moscow erupts in flames

Australian police ran world’s biggest child porn site for a year in massive undercover op

Corker fires back: Trump's White House 'has become an adult day care center'

ANALYSIS: After becoming convinced during the run up to the election that people were saying "Trump" as a code word for me I have ended up in literal adult day care so I wonder if this is a reference.

Federal police stay, no talks & no independent Catalonia

"What we need is that whoever is breaking the law and whoever has put themselves above the law rectifies their position,” Rajoy said

ANALYSIS: Regarding the criminals in my own USA government I would say the same thing but I have become convinced that those who are breaking the law and have put themselves above the law are correct to see a continuation of those crimes as the course of action which best serves their own perceived interests, poorly reasoned as they may be.

FURTHER ANALYSIS: In choosing to support one side in this over the other I see Spain as the status quo and Catalonia as disrupters of the status quo which is what I like.

EVEN MORE ANALYSIS: Spain's course of action here must certainly rise to the level of what Puigdemont called "an error which changes everything."

Mysterious Soviet Buoy Washes Up On Florida Beach

Saudi security forces foil terrorist attack near royal place in Jeddah

IMF warns Catalonia tensions could hurt business confidence

The International Monetary Fund kept its growth forecast for Spain for this year unchanged at 3.1 percent

ANALYSIS: I wonder if they will meet that target after 20% of the Spanish economic base disappears.

"Our outlook for the Spanish economy is strong,"

ANALYSIS: GDP -20.0% doesn't sound strong.

Apple gave Uber ‘iPhone backdoor’ allowing covert screens & data access

A potential ability to record their customers’ phone screens and access other personal data

A piece of code which app developers can use to interact with certain Apple systems like the camera

What is extremely unusual about the particular entitlement granted to Uber is that it would have required Apple’s explicit permission

“Granting such a sensitive entitlement to a third-party is unprecedented"

ANALYSIS: I will be angry to learn that the people who are filming me are making money by supplying my likeness to some third party when I am unable to earn even $1 supplying important contributions in science and mathematics to the whole world in perpetuity.

“Working with Apple to remove it completely ASAP.”

ANALYSIS: I am working to remove Apple and Uber completely.

“Essentially it gives you full control over the framebuffer, which contains the colors of each pixel of your screen. So they can potentially draw or record the screen,”

ANALYSIS: I will be angry to learn that someone was interfereing with my electronic devices to a greater extent than that of which I am presently aware.

Engineers take laser pulses into new dimensions

"We're using degrees of freedom that hadn't been used before."

What they've done is demonstrate a concept, not invent a useful new tool.

Russian election meddling probe will show media ran untrue stories – head of US investigation

Jobs report shows first loss in 7 years

Spanish Banks Hit Panic Button As Independence Odds Soar But 'Stall' Rumor Sparks Buying-Panic

The bottom line indication from these moves is simple - the banks (and the government) are increasingly convinced that Catalan independence is going to happen.

Report: Police to question Netanyahu at least 4 times after High Holy Days

“The right is getting tighter, It’s painful,”

Trump 'thinks Netanyahu is a bigger problem than the Palestinians'

ANALYSIS: From my perspective as a foreigner with access to nothing more definitive than fake news I see that between Israel and Palestine, Israel is the one with the resources to expedite an equitable solution so it is their fault for not doing it. Palestine does not appear to have those resources so the greatest blame cannot lie with them.

Trump urges Senate to probe American ‘Fake News Networks’

ANALYSIS: If Trump knows that a particular piece of news is fake then instead of just calling it fake he should give conclusive evidence of how US MSM has conspired in an instance to deceive its audience with a false narrative.

Fitton: Judicial Watch Battles Trump DOJ Attorneys for Hillary Clinton Scandal Documents

The appeals court panel should rule in a few months.

‘Unacceptable!’ RT pulled from YouTube prime ad list in US without notice

ANALYSIS: WOW! I can't imagine why they are suddenly liking RT less lately.

“RT was mentioned in the report over 100 times, but not a single example of election interference was given,”

ANALYSIS: Here's an example of election interference: That time the DNC conspired against their own guy Bernie to nominate Hillary

Catalan Vote Inspires Brazil’s Southern Separatist Movement

Girlfriend of Las Vegas shooter is met by the FBI at LAX

This morning a report suggested that Danley may have been living a double life. Public documents showed she was married to two men at once, used two Social Security numbers, lived in multiple addresses in several different states and had two dates of birth

ANALYSIS: Then it is likely that Danley is a persona impersonated by multiple costumed agents

A hammer - which he presumably used to shatter two windows

Saudi King’s historic visit to Moscow: Middle East, bilateral issues on table

Lavrov believes that the King’s visit will become “a milestone event in our relations bringing our cooperation to a totally new level,”

Tillerson's Fury at Trump Required an Intervention From Pence

Tillerson stunned a handful of senior administration officials when he called the president a “moron” after a tense two-hour long meeting in a secure room at the Pentagon called "The Tank,"

ANALYSIS: What do you call someone who positions themself as a moron's underling?

"This Really Stinks, It Really Smells Really Bad": Equifax's Former CEO Faces Day Two Of Hearings

"Why should any of us have any faith that you’re putting anything in place that appropriate when the immediate actions you took after the knowledge that the hack took place was so sloppy and so inadequate?"

ANALYSIS: What if they are only projecting an appearance of sloppiness so that, for now, they can avoid mentioning the ultimate conclusions that they know they will have to face when everything is sorted out?

Submarine owner accused of killing journalist kept snuff videos in his workshop

City leaders vote unanimously to pass marijuana proposal in Atlanta

US Congressman hosted fake hearing for Ukrainian TV

ANALYSIS: This sounds like the kind of thing that was happening at Exide where, for some reason unknown to me, I kept feeling like I was attending meetings with disguised people impersonating my coworkers to talk about things that I did not understand specifically or in context. The reason I did not understand is because I was not told and on the occasions where I didn't ask it was likely after I had been conditioned into not calling people liars and con artists because it was more important for me to conform to protocols of corporate etiquette than to understand what the meeting was about or why we were having them. In the past I have had the idea that Trump, Spicer, and Putin were at times disguised participants in these meeting, and maybe Joe and Helene as well.

“Only thanks to the systematic work of the team that collected evidence of corruptions of the most important officials of the National Bank, the strongest of the world will find out about it,”

The government in Kiev was not amused.

Putin to meet Saudi king in Moscow

The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics

Who's Really Trying To Overthrow Mohammed Bin Salman?

Saudi Arabia arrested between 16-30 people in a broad crackdown across the Kingdom.

Monarch's demise brings more headaches for holidaymakers

“My husband got an email at 4 o’clock to say thank you for checking in. Then the next thing we know, it’s been canceled, Monarch’s gone into liquidation,”

Superconducting qubits can function as quantum engines

"The distinction between 'classical' thermodynamic work, responsible for population transfer, and a quantum component, responsible for creating coherences, is an important result," Mazon told Phys.org. "The creation of coherences, in turn, generates a similar effect to friction, causing a not-completely-reversible operation of the engine. In our work we have been able to calculate the reaction force caused on the quantum piston wall due to the creation of coherences. In principle this force can be measured, thus constituting the experimental possibility of observing the emergence of coherences during the operation of the quantum engine."

ANALYSIS: They should probe the quantum equivalent of when the driving force is on resonance. In fact, now that time crystals are a thing, it might be possible to put the engine on resonance and have it stay there locked into some unusual quantum phase diagram, possibly one that does work.

Unraveling the mysteries of quantum thermodynamics can help us to better understand and interpret various natural processes."
